At about the same time Amadei was starting EWB USA, two engineering graduates at the University of Waterloo were sketching out the plan for EWB Canada on the proverbial napkin. EWB Canada is not part of EWB International but has grown to some 27,000 members on 25 campuses and in five major cities. A similar organization in Quebec, Ing sans Fronti Quebec, is not one of EWB Canada’s chapters, however.
After numerous appeals to the oversight board, Nichols took the case directly to TDCJ.»The program is well intentioned, but the unintended consequence of employing prisoners takes jobs away from law abiding men and women,» said Nichols.As a partner in TDCJ Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program (PIE program), Direct Trailer employs offenders in the Michael Unit at Tennessee Colony to assemble trailers for 18 wheeler trucks. In January Direct Trailer competitor, Lufkin Industries, Wholesale Discount Jerseys Inc., closed its trailer manufacturing division, affecting 150 employees.Lufkin Industries, Inc., located about 85 miles from Tennessee Colony, could not compete with Direct Trailer who sold its product for thousands of dollars less due to an indirect subsidy from prison labor and facilities. While Direct Trailer supposedly pays a prevailing wage, it benefits from the use of cheap facilities, a reduced tax burden, and not paying for employee benefits.
How is it possible that driving illegal aliens out of Oregon through steady immigration enforcement will create a massive job loss?Wouldn’t those jobs become open for citizens to fill? The business community’s tiresome claim that we can only remain competitive through endless and messive importation of cheap foreign labor ignores the fact that countries with slave labor, prison labor or just chronically low wages are always poor countries. The cheap labor movement also ignores how the living expenses of cheap foreign labor have to be paid by American tax payers. Just look at the WIC and Food Stamp signs on any Mexican tienda for a glimpse of how expensive cheap foreign labor is for citizens.
Nowhere are these dynamics more clearly on display than in today’sfast fashion industry. If fashion is essentially modern, fast fashion isquintessentially postmodern. When the introduction of greater productdifferentiation and product cycles during fall and spring fashionseasons didn’t meet the endless demand for greater profits and fastereconomic growth, there seemed to be only one solution shift gearsyet again and speed up the engines of production even more.
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